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28 March 2013

Yesterday.. 27 Mac 2013

Yesterday after sat for the exam..going out with my husband.  dont know where to go as my husband just come back from work at 6.30 p.m. Hum.. he promised me to come back early at about 4.00 p.m then we can go together to GM Klang to find some gifts for my friends and sister-in-law which is yet to deliver a baby... but everything destroyed when he come back late at home yesterday..huhu...Firstly think  wanna make anger face to him but after thinking a few minutes, I know that he was late just because to find sustenance for our family then I've changed... waiting him with smile hahah. The real thing happend when my husband still want to drive me to Klang.. Ayat memujuk yang dia bagi  " Ala takpelah ma..sempat lagi ni, kawan papa cakap ade GM Klang yang open sampai malam" He had used his friend words to make me calm.  Thanks God I got this nice husband..:)  I love U dear.. eventhough you are still tired, you still can make me smile..hugsss...

Arrived at GM Klang at 7.30 and they are closed allready!! In my mind why lah they build this bigger building shopping centre just to open it 10.00 a.m to 6.00 pm??  arghhh..Its really wasted my time! dah lah jalan jem teruk..damm! Ok nevermind..breath in..breath out..huh!  Next to the building is AEON mall. so pergi sana je lah..While I choosing chocolate at Famous Amous with my hubby, I suddenly shocked by this couple of parents who tempeleng their doughter (maybe) and shouted at this little girl " Ape Lagi Kau Nak??!!. This situation almost makes me cry..saw the little girl, age about 2 years old..try to stand up from the flour..She hold her father pants just to ask a sympathy..everybody is looking at this parents.  And her mom, after people looking at them, hold this little girl walk to the Famous Amous stall for buying her chocolate.  I saw her mather ask some money (maybe) from her father but her father with innocent face just walk away leave the child with her mother.  After a few second, her mother also leave the place while her daugter run behind to get to her mother.  What a very sad thing! Allah had be given the Anugerah to this couple but why they not appreciate it. I was so sad at the time and My husband really mad at the couple.  But I hold his hands, when I saw he want to go to the parents..takut kang ade yang bertumbuk kang.. My husband express his disappointed feelings to me..Budak-budak nak chocolate just 2-3 ringgit pun susah sangat ke nak belikan..beli rokok mahal2 boleh pulak! Kalau ye pun takde duit tak bley ke cakap baik-baik..siap nak tempeleng2 lagi..Apelah! Acctually that not nice  scolding your children in front of public.. it is a kind of how you teach your children to be how they will treat you when thay grow up.  Dont blame them when one day they will scold you in front of people.  Coz they have been treaten like that.  and to that parents I hope you appreciated your child while she still breathing for you. Dont after Allah tarik balik Anugerah itu..baru nak menyesal..

At ten we went out from the mall and drive away to Plaza 63. Hahah apelagi men bowling lah kejap.  Ngeng.. Acctually My husband yang nak main..I follow jer,, well thats what we call "Dating" haha At 11.30 went back to my beloved home.. sleeps...z..Z..Z..zzz..ZZ zz


  1. sooo sweettt couple...sonoknyaaaa...

    1. Alhamdulillah...mudah-mudahan kau juga dapat keseronokan di dalam rumah tangga InsyaAllah..
