1. " why so long..we dont have a time"
2. " awak ni ambil jelah..lama sangat nak pilih"
3. "Tak payah belilah...membazir je.." ok even you know that u really need the thing, they will say u are wasting the money
4. when u try cloth or whatever..and ask his opinion on how do u looks like, he wil say.."errrmmm..entah.." "errmm...tak tahulah" or "cantikkkk..." even when they are not looking at you..argghh tension
Ok, I admit..as a women, of coz lah sebelum beli tu kita kena survey kan kedai mana yang product dia paling lawa dan harga yang berpatutan..but they all dont understand..last night i went to uptown Cheras to buy some shirts..cant you imagine before entering the uptown main door, he had warning me.."Ok awak pilih cepat-cepat pastu kita balik cepat, i nak tengok bola" "Nampak je baju yang awak nak..terus beli tak payah pusing-pusing lagi..penatkan kaki je"
alahai..u tak bad mood ke kalau camtu..ini namanya shopping express!! ok kalau dia kata nak balik awal pasal esok keje, takut penat ke..I can accept..but when he said..just for watching the football match..I really2 hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok..so..with a realy2 bad mood, I just grab anything that I want..you nak shopping laju2 kan..so let me show u..we spent about 300 last night. After shopping we decide to had a drink first before came home. When I open my wallet, " Oh no..I dont have a money anymore.., ermm maybe we have to find nearest ATM" Ha looked at me with innocent face.."I allready know it" so put out his wallet and pay all the bills..
sitting beside me and APALAGIIII..starts his lecture session..
" Ok..pa kan dah cakap beli yang perlu je..nanti papa gaji, papa top up lah ape yang perlu..ni tak semua pun awak nak beli hari ni" Pastu kuar duit selalu kuar sikit2 tapi berbelanja ikut nafsu...next time fikir dulu ape yang nak beli, buat senarai, jangan main sambar je...cube bijak sikit bila berbelanja and bla...bla..bla..."
seeee....last-last i yang kena balik..hadui-hadui..:-(
HAHAHAHA....kecian dia...tak pe arrrr...duit hasil titik peluh kita...xsalah pown kita shopping...sekali sekali je kan...yg penting kita ada gak wat saving...lainlaa kalo kita minta duit husband...kikis duit husband utk layan nafsu serakah kita bershopping salah aaa.......just NJOYYYYY....
ReplyDeleteyelahhh...kalau boleh pasni I nak elak kan shopping dengan kaum Adam ni..cannot focus time nak shopping tau..takde feel..hahhaha